Cheila 2008-2023
Written by her parents:
Our tiny little angel was born on August 2nd, 2008, measuring just 45cm and weighing 2630kg. It was evident that she was a very special and beautiful girl. Though her life was short, she was always happy. However, it was only in the last year that it became very complicated.
Cheila faced numerous difficulties, including walking, talking, breastfeeding, and eating. It was clear that she experienced significant developmental delays, prompting her to be closely monitored by developmental specialists from the beginning.
She had a complicated health history, frequently suffering from ailments such as tonsillitis, ear infections, and vomiting.
After being evaluated by child psychiatry, Cheila was diagnosed her with autism. Additionally, she underwent surgery at the age of 2 to address issues with her tonsils, ears, and adenoids.
From ages 3 to 7, Cheila's condition stabilized, although she still faced challenges with speaking and walking. She received support at school from specialist teachers, and overall, things went well. However, there was a suspicion that her condition might not be solely attributed to autism.
At 10 years old, Cheila complained about her chest, which initially seemed like a normal part of puberty. However, a visit to the cardiologist revealed abnormalities in her left ventricle, prompting further investigation and she was sent to a genetics specialist.
In 2020, it was discovered that Cheila had ADNP syndrome and a mitochondrial disease called VARS2, inherited from both parents. Throughout her journey, Cheila was under the care of numerous specialized doctors.
In 2021, she began experiencing nocturnal epilepsy, brain injuries, behavioral difficulties, slurred speech, and fatigue, necessitating home support as she could no longer attend school. Despite her resilience, her condition continued to worsen, with increasingly frequent seizures and brain injuries.
Tragically, on August 12, 2022, at 4:30 pm, she peacefully passed away in her sleep. Though her life was brief, Cheila's impact was profound. She will forever be cherished and remembered for the happiness and enriching experiences she brought into our lives.
Our little angel may be gone, but she will always hold a special place in our hearts. "We love you to the moon."
Our tiny little angel was born on August 2nd, 2008, measuring just 45cm and weighing 2630kg. It was evident that she was a very special and beautiful girl. Though her life was short, she was always happy. However, it was only in the last year that it became very complicated.
Cheila faced numerous difficulties, including walking, talking, breastfeeding, and eating. It was clear that she experienced significant developmental delays, prompting her to be closely monitored by developmental specialists from the beginning.
She had a complicated health history, frequently suffering from ailments such as tonsillitis, ear infections, and vomiting.
After being evaluated by child psychiatry, Cheila was diagnosed her with autism. Additionally, she underwent surgery at the age of 2 to address issues with her tonsils, ears, and adenoids.
From ages 3 to 7, Cheila's condition stabilized, although she still faced challenges with speaking and walking. She received support at school from specialist teachers, and overall, things went well. However, there was a suspicion that her condition might not be solely attributed to autism.
At 10 years old, Cheila complained about her chest, which initially seemed like a normal part of puberty. However, a visit to the cardiologist revealed abnormalities in her left ventricle, prompting further investigation and she was sent to a genetics specialist.
In 2020, it was discovered that Cheila had ADNP syndrome and a mitochondrial disease called VARS2, inherited from both parents. Throughout her journey, Cheila was under the care of numerous specialized doctors.
In 2021, she began experiencing nocturnal epilepsy, brain injuries, behavioral difficulties, slurred speech, and fatigue, necessitating home support as she could no longer attend school. Despite her resilience, her condition continued to worsen, with increasingly frequent seizures and brain injuries.
Tragically, on August 12, 2022, at 4:30 pm, she peacefully passed away in her sleep. Though her life was brief, Cheila's impact was profound. She will forever be cherished and remembered for the happiness and enriching experiences she brought into our lives.
Our little angel may be gone, but she will always hold a special place in our hearts. "We love you to the moon."